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let them talk

Gossip is the trademark of jealousy and insecurity. No facial, injection or medical procedure can improve this. Change comes from within.

Eleanor Roosevelt said it best –

Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.

It’s toxic to be around gossip and negativity. You may even be the one wanting to fix it. My advice, you can’t. You can’t fix something messy which is comfortable being messy. Have you ever helped someone clean a messy room, only to return later to find it right back in its messy chaotic state, perhaps even worse?

Have you ever sat with a person or in a group and the gossip is incessant? They have something negative and damaging to say about everyone. When you get up to leave, they gossip and spread lies about you. You don’t want to believe this because they’re your ‘friend’. Believe it. That’s how it works. Always has, always will.

If they’re going to talk with you about someone, I can guarantee they’ll talk about you with someone. This is the basic psychology of the unhappy, insecure and jealous type. It is everywhere, in all levels of professions and relationships.

Pick yourself up and walk away. Let them talk. Don’t look back, it’s not worth it. You won’t change them, but you can change yourself. Learn, grow and move on.

let them talk

Gossip is the trademark of jealousy and insecurity. No facial, injection or medical procedure can improve this. Change comes from within.

Eleanor Roosevelt said it best –

Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.

It’s toxic to be around gossip and negativity. You may even be the one wanting to fix it. My advice, you can’t. You can’t fix something messy which is comfortable being messy. Have you ever helped someone clean a messy room, only to return later to find it right back in its messy chaotic state, perhaps even worse?

Have you ever sat with a person or in a group and the gossip is incessant? They have something negative and damaging to say about everyone. When you get up to leave, they gossip and spread lies about you. You don’t want to believe this because they’re your ‘friend’. Believe it. That’s how it works. Always has, always will.

If they’re going to talk with you about someone, I can guarantee they’ll talk about you with someone. This is the basic psychology of the unhappy, insecure and jealous type. It is everywhere, in all levels of professions and relationships.

Pick yourself up and walk away. Let them talk. Don’t look back, it’s not worth it. You won’t change them, but you can change yourself. Learn, grow and move on.