i don’t want to look my age
The photo is me without a filter. I’m in my 40’s.
That’s right, time to get honest with everyone I’ve kept guessing about my age. In case they weren’t paying attention to the fact I have two grown sons almost through college and they guess ‘35’, I’m not going to correct them on their math.
I use Retin-A. Almost a decade of use. That’s my secret, nothing expensive. Although I plan to continue to use Retin-A for the long term, I’m always open to other proven options. That basically means I’m not choosing to age gracefully. If it’s out there and available, I’m going to find it.
I’m proud of what I’ve done and the wisdom I’ve gained. I don’t want to look 20 or 30, but I’ll take looking 40. I’ll continue to let people think I’m younger than I am and not correct them, but I’m not going to hold back and lie when asked what I’m doing or what I’ve done to look younger.
I’m happy to tell them. Happy to share something which can help a person feel better about how they look and ultimately feel.
I’m part of a generation craving transparency, in an industry that hasn’t been transparent.
Why look 60 when you can look 45? Or 75 when you can look 55?
Last week, my 82 year old mother said it best ‘Oh how I wish I’d started to care for my face at your age, I don’t want to look 82’.
And there you go. Wisdom.