Beauty isn't just skin deep. In today's beauty industry, it also means your health.

friends don't let friends get too much filler

We’ve all seen her, and we may even know her. The woman who has that look, that face, the overfilled look. It isn’t just a look women are walking around with, there are also men adopting the overdone look. Regardless, I see facial edema.

In my experience, good injectors won’t let this happen. They don’t want to be known as the bartender who served one-too-many. The goal isn’t to erase every wrinkle on the face until the face pops like a water balloon. The basic goal of a good injector is to restore and enhance a youthful look.

I admire Courtney Cox who came out publicly and stated she realized she’d been overdoing it on the fillers. That takes confidence. She wasn’t fooling anyone as her face began to take on a look that was no longer natural.

Then what are the options for someone who’s been served a few-too-many? How does one sober up? There are options. Filler can be dissolved. Speak to the Licensed Medical Professional who injected the filler. If you didn’t have a Licensed Professional place it, call a Dermatologist or Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, they can help.

Every day the medical aesthetic industry seems to have a new anti-aging problem solver on the market. For the consumer this can be confusing and just plain overwhelming. Depending on your age, considering a mini face-lift from a highly trained Board Certified Plastic Surgeon may just be your answer. There’s a reason Hollywood never ages and celebrities keeping us guessing if they’ve had any work done. These are the people who have their Plastic Surgeon in their emergency contacts.

If aging gracefully isn’t the road you want to take, you have options and they aren’t what was even available one or two years ago. Those celebrities who never seem to age, must be doing something right? Yes, they’re doing something alright and it isn’t subscribing into a monthly chemical peel promotion at the corner spa. They’re getting mini facelifts. That’s right. No windblown overdone look anymore.

Why does Hollywood elevate great Board Certified Plastic Surgeons to a Godlike status? Because celebrities know a great Plastic Surgeon can make or break celebrity status.

Don’t get me wrong, filler has its place, but when it stumbles into the room before you do, it’s time to consider sobering up.

friends don't let friends get too much filler

We’ve all seen her, and we may even know her. The woman who has that look, that face, the overfilled look. It isn’t just a look women are walking around with, there are also men adopting the overdone look. Regardless, I see facial edema.

In my experience, good injectors won’t let this happen. They don’t want to be known as the bartender who served one-too-many. The goal isn’t to erase every wrinkle on the face until the face pops like a water balloon. The basic goal of a good injector is to restore and enhance a youthful look.

I admire Courtney Cox who came out publicly and stated she realized she’d been overdoing it on the fillers. That takes confidence. She wasn’t fooling anyone as her face began to take on a look that was no longer natural.

Then what are the options for someone who’s been served a few-too-many? How does one sober up? There are options. Filler can be dissolved. Speak to the Licensed Medical Professional who injected the filler. If you didn’t have a Licensed Professional place it, call a Dermatologist or Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, they can help.

Every day the medical aesthetic industry seems to have a new anti-aging problem solver on the market. For the consumer this can be confusing and just plain overwhelming. Depending on your age, considering a mini face-lift from a highly trained Board Certified Plastic Surgeon may just be your answer. There’s a reason Hollywood never ages and celebrities keeping us guessing if they’ve had any work done. These are the people who have their Plastic Surgeon in their emergency contacts.

If aging gracefully isn’t the road you want to take, you have options and they aren’t what was even available one or two years ago. Those celebrities who never seem to age, must be doing something right? Yes, they’re doing something alright and it isn’t subscribing into a monthly chemical peel promotion at the corner spa. They’re getting mini facelifts. That’s right. No windblown overdone look anymore.

Why does Hollywood elevate great Board Certified Plastic Surgeons to a Godlike status? Because celebrities know a great Plastic Surgeon can make or break celebrity status.

Don’t get me wrong, filler has its place, but when it stumbles into the room before you do, it’s time to consider sobering up.