Beauty isn't just skin deep. In today's beauty industry, it also means your health.

you get one face, don’t cheap out

(Image at top is me. I know….it’s the brows.)

Never cheap out when it comes to your face, more importantly, your health.

If someone has a needle in their hand and that needle is going in my face, they better darn well have a medical license. Yes, I’m going to look them up, do my homework and you should too. Just because someone says they can, doesn’t mean they should! I can’t shout this out enough to the consumer.

When your Cosmetologist (Beautician in the UK) offers you a deal on lip filler after your eyelash extensions are dry, run. Who are you going to call if something goes wrong? They may tell you ‘I’ve never had a client have complications and I’ve been doing this a long time’.

That’s because their botched clients aren’t returning to them. They’re now seeking legitimate medical help from a licensed medical provider and the provider is saying ‘don’t ever go back there’. Often the patient feels extreme shame and guilt for allowing this and often says ‘I knew better, but it was just a little cheaper than at the plastic surgeons office or dermatology clinic’.

I’ve cared for many a botched patient. Botched at the hands of unlicensed, untrained opportunists. What I’ve heard over and over is ‘I just wanted to save money’.

Undoing the damage can cost way more than the initial procedure. I’ve administered broad spectrum IV anti-biotics and watched as a patient hung on for their life, the result of a filler injection at the hands of a non-medical licensed injector.

Look up the license of anyone who claims to be licensed and is going to put a needle in your face. They absolutely should hold a medical license and legitimate certification*. If something were to go wrong, there is a process in place for you, otherwise, you may be on your own.

Every state has a professional licensing board. You can do a Google search for their name and the profession they work under. For example, I’m a RN and if you go to the state board of licensing in Minnesota my license is active.

You only get one face and compromising your health to save a few dollars is never worth it.

*Link here for certification to look for in USA/Canada.

you get one face, don’t cheap out

(Image at top is me. I know….it’s the brows.)

Never cheap out when it comes to your face, more importantly, your health.

If someone has a needle in their hand and that needle is going in my face, they better darn well have a medical license. Yes, I’m going to look them up, do my homework and you should too. Just because someone says they can, doesn’t mean they should! I can’t shout this out enough to the consumer.

When your Cosmetologist (Beautician in the UK) offers you a deal on lip filler after your eyelash extensions are dry, run. Who are you going to call if something goes wrong? They may tell you ‘I’ve never had a client have complications and I’ve been doing this a long time’.

That’s because their botched clients aren’t returning to them. They’re now seeking legitimate medical help from a licensed medical provider and the provider is saying ‘don’t ever go back there’. Often the patient feels extreme shame and guilt for allowing this and often says ‘I knew better, but it was just a little cheaper than at the plastic surgeons office or dermatology clinic’.

I’ve cared for many a botched patient. Botched at the hands of unlicensed, untrained opportunists. What I’ve heard over and over is ‘I just wanted to save money’.

Undoing the damage can cost way more than the initial procedure. I’ve administered broad spectrum IV anti-biotics and watched as a patient hung on for their life, the result of a filler injection at the hands of a non-medical licensed injector.

Look up the license of anyone who claims to be licensed and is going to put a needle in your face. They absolutely should hold a medical license and legitimate certification*. If something were to go wrong, there is a process in place for you, otherwise, you may be on your own.

Every state has a professional licensing board. You can do a Google search for their name and the profession they work under. For example, I’m a RN and if you go to the state board of licensing in Minnesota my license is active.

You only get one face and compromising your health to save a few dollars is never worth it.

*Link here for certification to look for in USA/Canada.